counterbalanced forklift operator's theory course

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National Operator's Registration Scheme

In 2006 the RTITB introduced the NORS system, (National Operator Registration Scheme). From that date all operators passing the practical, written and pre use check tests are entered onto a database which is maintained by RTITB. Registration on this database lasts for a period of three years after which time the RTITB  will write to the operator at his/her home address to remind him/her that their registration on the database has expired and that they are due for refresher training.

Although not mandatory the trainee’s picture is usually taken by the instructor and an operating permit is provided by the training company which shows the picture along with other details such as  the type of truck he/she is allowed to drive. This operating permit unlike the main training certificate, (which is usually A4 size), is the size of a credit card so that it can be usefully carried on the person. (It is important to note that the possession of this card does not necessarily mean that the person is qualified to operate forklifts in that particular facility).

Shown here is a sample copy of the form that forklift operators have to fill in in order to be entered on the NORS database. The top part of the form is filled in by the trainee. Name and address and date of birth is mandatory as is a signature which is required so that the information can be added to the RTITB database. The middle part of the form, (not shown), describing the training course is usually filled in by the training company and the bottom part of the form which describes the truck along with any attachments and the test results is filled in by the instructor.

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